Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write a careful account for you, most honorable Theophilus... of all that Yeshua began both to do and teach. (Luke 1:3, Acts 1:1)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Counterfeits of the Enemy

We know that for everything good that God puts forth on the earth and in the heavens, the Enemy has a counterfeit to entice and deceive God's people. We see the symbolism of various gods in our everyday life, that have become normal and routine, but the spiritual nature of these symbols, and the ungodly element that created them is still at their core. So, when we promote this symbolism through what we allow into our homes and lives, we are in essence promoting the Enemy, and giving him status above anything Godly that we have.  This is a simple comparison of the Roman/Greek gods that were hindrances to God's people all throughout Scripture, and continues to do the same today.


god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, the sun, light and knowledge

symbols lyre, laurel wreath, python, raven, bow and arrows

Scriptural equivalent Lucifer/Satan

Scriptural attributes a god who could bring ill-health and deadly plague, dominion over colonists (ancient colonists: city-states founded from a mother-city (its "metropolis"), patron defender of herds and flocks, director of their choir, patron god of music and poetry

chapter/verse Isaiah 14/Ezek 28/Job 1&2

Bacchus, Liber/Dionysus

god of the grape harvest, wine making, wine, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, fertility and theatre.

symbols thyrsus ( a wand or staff of giant fennel covered with ivy vines and leaves, sometimes wound with taeniae(ribbon or headband) and always topped with a pine cone), grapevine, leopard skin, panther,cheetah

Scriptural equivalent Yeshua HaMashiach

Scriptural attributes only god to have a mortal mother; a dying-and-rising god refers to a deity which returns, is resurrected or is reborn, i.e. death-rebirth-deity


goddess of agriculture, fertility, sacred law and the harvest, and the cycle of life and death

symbols cornucopia, wheat, torch, bread

Scriptural equivalent Moses

Scriptural attributes divine order, unwritten law; “Law Bringer"


primordial god of the sky

symbols none

Scriptural equivalent fallen angels / watchers / prince of the power of the air

Scriptural attributes Uranus was a parent of the first generation of Titans (giants/Nephilim), and the ancestors of most of the Greek gods. Represents the earth, sky and Styx/Hades (hell)

chapter/verse Gen 10:8-10, Eph 2:2


god of sexual desire and attraction, god of romantic love (emphasis on roman)

symbols bow, arrows, candles, hearts, cupids, wings and kisses/adult male who embodies sexual power

Scriptural equivalent the actions of fallen angels

Scriptural attributes mischievous interventions in the affairs of gods and mortals cause bonds of love to form, often illicitly

chapter/verse Gen 6:2,4

Diana/Artemis (mentioned in Acts 19:35)

goddess of the hunt, forests and hills, the moon, archery

symbols bow, arrows, stags, hunting dog and moon

Scriptural equivalent Mary, mother of Jesus/the Hebrew people as a whole

Scriptural attributes Hellenic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women; she often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows. The deer and the cypress were sacred to her; aided childbirth. Worshiped as Mother Nature.

chapter/verse Luke 1


god of heroes, sports, athletes, health, agriculture, fertility, trade, oracles and divine protector of mankind, gatekeeper of Olympus (heaven/garden of Eden)

symbols Club, Nemean Lion (a vicious monster in Greek mythology, could not be killed with mortals' weapons) bow and arrows
Scriptural equivalent King David
Scriptural attributes greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity, extraordinary strength, courage, ingenuity, and sexual prowess with both males and females; used his wits on several occasions when his strength did not suffice, such as when laboring for the king, wrestling the giant, or tricking Atlas into taking the sky back onto his shoulders; regarded as a playful figure who used games to relax from his labors and played a great deal with children. By conquering dangerous archaic forces he is said to have "made the world safe for mankind" and to be its benefactor

chapter/verse:1 Sam 18:25, 1 Sam 24:4, 1 Sam 17:49, 1 Sam 16:1, 1 Sam 13:14, 2 Sam 21:17, 2 Sam 11:2


goddess of women, marriage, birth; queen of the gods, known as the matron goddess

symbols pomegranate, peacock feather, diadem (a type of crown), cow, lily, lotus, cuckoo, panther, scepter, throne, lion

Scriptural equivalent attribute of Yahweh, being  Jealous
Scriptural attributes known for her jealous and vengeful nature

chapter/verse Ex 34:14

Jupiter/Zeus (mentioned in Acts 14:12-13, 19:35)

god of the daytime sky, father of gods and men, god of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice

symbols thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak

Scriptural equivalent Elohim, creator, sovereignty
Scriptural attributes the king of the gods, who oversaw the universe, king in heaven

chapter/verse Acts 14:12-13, 19:35


symbols none

Scriptural equivalent Eve
Scriptural attributes mother goddess; her name means lotus (the fruit that brings oblivion to those who eat it) remains a dim and benevolent matronly figure upon Olympus, her part already played

chapter/verse Gen 3:6,12,17,20

Mars/Ares (mentioned in Acts 17:22)

Greek god of war, represents the physical or violent and untamed aspect of war

symbols spear, helmet, dog, chariot, boar, vulture, flaming torch

Scriptural equivalent oppressor, taskmaster, slave master
Scriptural attributes living in fear, under the oppressor, the enemy
chapter/verse Ex 1:11


god of transitions and boundaries; quick and cunning, and moves freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine, as emissary and messenger; intercessor between mortals and the divine, and conductor of souls into the afterlife; protector and patron of travelers, herdsmen, thieves, orators and wit, literature and poets, athletics and sports, invention and trade

symbols talaria (winged sandals), caduceus (a staff was also borne by heralds), tortoise, lyre, rooster

Scriptural equivalent The Holy Spirit
Scriptural attributes gifts of the Holy Spirit

chapter/verse Hebrews 2:4


god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses; name literally means Husband/Lord of the Earth; king of the underworld
symbols trident, fish, dolphin, horse and bull

Scriptural equivalent the god Dagon
Scriptural attributes worshippers of other gods

chapter/verse 1 Sam 5:5 Zeph 1:9


goddess of wisdom

symbols owls, olive trees, snakes, aegis (an animal skin or shield), armor, helmets, spears, gorgoneion (a pendant showing Gorgon’s head/the use of magic against evil)

Scriptural equivalent wicca, white witchery
Scriptural attributes diviners
chapter/verse 1 Sam 28:7, Acts 16:16

king of the underworld, god of the dead and riches
symbols cerberus (a multi-headed dog, or hell hound) drinking horn, scepter, cypress, narcissus, key

Scriptural equivalent Abaddon/Apollyon

Scriptural attributes angel of the Abyss
chapter/verse Rev. 1:18, 9:11


goddess of vegetation, queen of the underworld, carries into effect the curses of men upon the souls of the dead
symbols pomegranate, bats

Scriptural equivalent the curses of God
Scriptural attributes the delivery of the curses on those that don’t follow God
chapter/verse Deuteronomy 28:15-60


the leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans

symbols sickle, scythe & harp

Scriptural equivalent the Nephilim
Scriptural attributes the result of the union between the sons of God & the sons of men
chapter/verse Gen 6:2,4


goddess of love, beauty and sexuality; love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation
symbols dolphin, rose, scallop shell, myrtle, dove, sparrow, girdle, mirror, and swan
Scriptural equivalent ritual temple prostitution
Scriptural attributes the nation of Israel succumbing to these practices
chapter/verse Hosea 6:10, Micah 1:7


god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture; made all the weapons of the gods

symbols hammer, anvil, tongs, and/or quail

Scriptural equivalent descendants of Cain, in particular Tubal-cain
Scriptural attributes the use of these abilities and skills to wage war against God’s people
chapter/verse Gen 4:22, 2 Kings 24:16